Archives // Etched Behind Eyelids

Etched Behind Eyelids is a series for the snapshots and stories from my everyday life. The phrase ‘Etched Behind Eyelids’ comes from one of my favourite Menzingers songs, ‘After the Party’.

It’s the little things my mind commits // To etch behind my eyelids // Like getting stoned when we wake up // Coffee grounds in coffee cups // Your silhouette in high top sneakers // And hardcore from laptop speakers // The classics to the more obscure // From Minor Threat to your old roommate’s band

Etched Behind Eyelids | January 2019


Minou is going through a phase of sleeping on our pillows at night, so I gave her her own by way of compromise. It means that we don’t wake up with a headache from dehydration, and she seems happy too.

On a very cold day at the start of January I found kitty napping on the hot pipes at the Botanical Gardens. Meanwhile, in the parrot house, a mischief of mice were busy at work climbing up the wall and squeezing themselves through the tiny mesh gaps to pinch grain from the yellow crested cockatoo’s food bowl.

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Etched Behind Eyelids |