Minou and the Coconut Yoghurt

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Minou loves coconut yoghurt and peanut butter. I know this because if I try to eat them myself she starts begging for them. The other day she saw me eating coconut yoghurt with some fruit and stood on her hind legs reaching up for some which had me in hysterics. She’s sixteen and has to eat a special grain-free kidney disease friendly diet, but every now and then I give her a little treat in the form of a small lick of coconut yoghurt or peanut butter (both are sugar, salt and sweetener free). I figure such small amounts won’t do her any harm but will give her a lot of pleasure. On Saturday afternoon I had Ed set her on the record cabinet (forbidden territory, she never climbs on the furniture or surfaces as she knows that these places are out of bounds) and give her some coconut yoghurt while I captured some photos of the occasion.

Light & Adventures