Etched Behind Eyelids | September 2020

Home » Etched Behind Eyelids | September 2020

Morning light on my birthday, reflected off nearby buildings.

A daytrip to Oxford.

Followed by a daytrip to London.

I cut my heather back. Here’s to hoping it survives the winter. Funny story about those scissors – they were £2 in a knick-knack shop I went into in London to buy a pack of metal straws. Because I am clearly part magpie, I was drawn in by the design and couldn’t resist the impulse buy. At the tills, the cashier asked me if I was over eighteen as in the UK you can’t sell blades to children. He made my day, if not week, by assuming I wasn’t of age. I mean, even if he was using the ‘Challenge 25’ rule, it’s still a compliment considering I turned thirty-four at the start of the month.

I’m still making bread. I have decided to be less seat-of-my-pants about my flour stocks. I have always just bought flour when I need it and never kept more than a kilo in at any one time. Over the past few weeks I have been adding an extra bag to my basket when I buy flour so that I have a few kilos on hand should everyone rush to the shops and stockpile toilet paper and flour again in anticipation of another shutdown and/or no deal Brexit. Bread flour and soya milk are the only things I’m keeping a few items set aside for, as we really don’t have the storage space for anything else and those were the only two products I really struggled to find back in March.

Minou helping Ed decide which outfit to wear for his race. He went with her suggestion of the red shorts combination!

The secret lake at Winterbourne after watching the first years arrive at the Vale on Station Wagon Day.

My favourite mural in Chinatown. This is the mural I refer to in this piece.

Etched Behind Eyelids |