Etched Behind Eyelids | May 2024

Home » Etched Behind Eyelids | May 2024

At the start of the month we visited Mum and took her for an outing along the seafront in Weston. It was the first visit of the year where it was both not raining and warm enough to take her out, but even so I took something warm to wrap her in. I think she enjoyed our little outing, she was alert and watching the world pass by, and using positive vocabulary. Ed worked some kind of magic to get this photo of us together with Mum looking straight at the camera. I joked to her that she’s always on her best behaviour with Ed and she said a timely “yes” which made us both laugh.

In early May the ponies still had traces of their winter coats.

Blossom on the wild apple trees in the woods.

Foxglove season! I love foxgloves. I tried to grow some for the allotment this year but my seed tray got blown over in a storm and I lost them all, and those I direct seeded didn’t germinate. I will try again and hopefully have some foxgloves next year.

By the end of the month the ponies had completely shed their winter coats and were looking nice and healthy again. They’re always quite lean at the end of winter so it’s a relief to see them put some weight on once the grass starts growing.

The lupins at Winterbourne. Another flower I want to have more success with growing myself.

For Ed’s birthday I made him a t-shirt to celebrate one of his maths heroes.

Etched Behind Eyelids |

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